Destruction of Man


As I sat there, I thought of the world. I thought of the millions and millions of people roaming this earth with me and that I had only met less than one percent of them. I thought of how the world is perceived and realized that everything we see this world as is a result of man.

We obsess over time; that we don’t have enough, that we wasted it, that time is running out, what time of day it is, when we have to have something done by. Time is nothing more than a man-made concept, yet it drives our whole lives. Why? I wonder this quite often, and why we can’t just enjoy life without having to define it with time and obsess over the amount of years we have to live or how long until we want to get married. I think that us humans stress more over this man-made concept when we should be focusing more on living life with no worries about time but more worries about what our hopes and dreams are and how to live our lives accordingly. Unfortunately, time drives the world, and one person denying the concept of time will only suffer.

We spend our whole lives searching for our soulmate, someone who will love us until the ends of the earth, who understands us to our core and still insists on staying. We have this idea in our heads that finding this person is the most important part of life, that if we die without a husband or wife, then we have failed. Why don’t we instead have the idea that finding yourself is the most important part of life? It is your life, after all. Why not focus on yourself and learning to know and love yourself? I think that us humans focus so much on fulfilling what society expects of us instead of doing what makes our lives feel full.

This world has been destroyed by humans and our endless expectations and creations that only limit us to the millions of possibilities there really are. It’s sad, really, that we seem to think that these creations help us and create order, when they actually create chaos and unhappiness…. The really sad part is though I feel this way, there is no way for me to reverse the mistakes humans have made over the years. I do plan on loving myself and working to rid my mind of society’s expectations. I do think that these expectations have led to my unhappiness as I always feel like what I am and what I do are never enough. I want to love myself, and spend my life doing what makes me happy and achieving my goals on no one’s time but my own.


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